Is Vertigo a Permanent Condition?


The world spins, but you’re standing still. Is this a nightmarish hallucination, a theme park gone wrong, or just another day living with vertigo? This disorienting sensation, where the ground feels unsteady, and your surroundings take on a dizzying tilt-a-whirl, can be terrifying. But is this a passing annoyance or a permanent fixture in your life?

Allow us to walk you through a brief description of how long does vertigo last, its symptoms, and chronic vertigo causes.

Dr Peter Baptista, an esteemed ENT specialist, offers comprehensive treatments for vertigo. With his expert care, patients can find effective solutions tailored to their specific needs, alleviating symptoms and improving their quality of life.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness and movement that can disrupt your sense of balance. It can feel as though the world around you is shifting, tilting, or spinning, even when you’re stationary. Some individuals experience vertigo in moving vehicles or on amusement park rides because the environment is in motion while their bodies remain still.

However, vertigo can also occur due to issues with the balance organs in the inner ear. This disorienting feeling can happen at any time and place when your sense of balance becomes confused.

What are the probable causes of Vertigo?

The duration of vertigo symptoms is largely influenced by their underlying cause.

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

BPPV is a prevalent cause of vertigo. Episodes typically recur but generally last for less than a minute.

Meniere’s Disease

Vertigo episodes associated with Meniere’s disease can be severe, lasting several hours or even days. This condition often results in vertigo accompanied by nausea, vomiting, hearing loss, and ear ringing.

Inner Ear Issues

Vertigo due to inner ear inflammation or infection may persist until the inflammation subsides. It is crucial to consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of inner ear problems to manage vertigo effectively.

Stroke or Head Injury

For some, can have long-term or chronic vertigo causes, especially following a stroke, head injury, or neck injury.

Other Factors

Various other conditions and injuries can trigger vertigo episodes. The duration of these episodes depends on the specific underlying cause.

However, vertigo can also occur due to issues with the balance organs in the inner ear. This disorienting feeling can happen at any time and place when your sense of balance becomes confused.

What are the probable causes of Vertigo?

Individuals experiencing vertigo often describe their symptoms as:

  • Spinning
  • Swaying
  • Jerky eye movements (nystagmus)  
  • Tilting in one direction or feeling unbalanced


Post-vertigo symptoms can vary but often include:

  • Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or worn out after an episode.
  • Lightheadedness: A sensation of feeling faint or dizzy.
  • Balance Issues: Continuing to feel unsteady on your feet.
  • Headache: Persistent or recurring headaches.
  • Nausea: Lingering nausea or an upset stomach.
  • General Discomfort: A sense of unease or discomfort in the head or ears.
  • Anxiety: Increased worry or anxiety about future vertigo episodes.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble concentrating on tasks.


These symptoms can persist for a while after the initial vertigo episode, and their duration and intensity can vary from person to person.

How long does vertigo last?

The duration of vertigo depends heavily on the underlying cause. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Short-lived (seconds to minutes): This is common, especially with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a frequent culprit.
  • Hours to days: Meniere’s disease episodes can cause vertigo to last for several hours or even days.
  • Persistent: In some cases, particularly with neurological issues like stroke or head injury, vertigo might become semi-permanent or even permanent.


Overall, while vertigo itself isn’t permanent, its duration varies based on the root cause.

What are the treatment options for Vertigo?

The treatment for vertigo depends on its underlying cause. In many instances, vertigo resolves on its own without any intervention.

However, some cases require specific treatments, which may include:

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation: This type of physical therapy aims to strengthen the vestibular system, which radiates signals to the brain about head and body movements related to gravity. It aids in guiding other senses to compensate for vertigo.
  • Canalith Repositioning Maneuvers: Recommended by the American Academy of Neurology for BPPV, these specific head and body movements help move calcium deposits out of the canal and into an inner ear chamber, where they can be absorbed by the body.
  • Medication: Our doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate symptoms like nausea or motion sickness. If the vertigo is aresult of an infection or inflammation, antibiotics or steroids can reduce swelling and cure the infection. In the case of Meniere’s disease, diuretics (water pills) may be used to reduce pressure from fluid buildup.
  • Surgery: In rare cases, surgery may become necessary to treat vertigo. If the vertigo is caused by a more serious underlying issue, such as a tumour or injury to the brain or neck, addressing those problems may help alleviate vertigo.

So, does vertigo stay forever?

Vertigo is generally not a permanent condition, though its duration and recurrence can vary widely depending on the underlying cause. For example, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common forms, affecting about 2.4% of people at some point in their lives; it typically involves brief, recurrent episodes that can be effectively managed with specific physical manoeuvres. Meniere’s disease, which affects approximately 0.2% of the population, can cause more prolonged episodes of vertigo lasting hours to days but is manageable with medication and lifestyle changes.

Inner ear infections or inflammation, which can also lead to vertigo, usually resolve with appropriate treatment. In contrast, vertigo resulting from more serious conditions like strokes or head injuries may persist longer, potentially becoming a chronic issue.

However, these cases are less common. Overall, while vertigo can be a recurring problem for some, it is not usually a lifelong condition and can often be managed with proper diagnosis and treatment.

Seek the right help for Vertigo and post-vertigo symptoms with Dr Peter Baptista

Don’t let vertigo take control of your world any longer. If you’re experiencing dizziness, spinning sensations, or any lingering post-vertigo symptoms, seek expert guidance from Dr Peter Baptista. His specialised experience can help pinpoint the cause of your vertigo and recommend the most effective treatment plan to get you back on solid ground, feeling your best again.

For effective management and relief from vertigo, schedule an appointment today!

 Dr Peter Baptista Jardin

European Board Certified ENT Doctor In Dubai

Dr. Peter Baptista Jardin is an ENT specialist with a special interest in treating sleep apnea. He is a revered expert in Spain for performing the first ever robotic transoral surgery in 2011, and the only series of hypoglossal nerve stimulation proved revolutionary for obstructive sleep apnea treatment worldwide. He currently serves as an ENT doctor in Dubai’s Al Zahra Hospital.