Hearing Loss Treatment in Dubai

Hearing loss can affect one or both ears temporarily or permanently. Hearing loss can occur due to various factors; however, most people above 60 are affected by it.

Types of Hearing Loss

There are three types of hearing loss: 

Sensorineural hearing loss

This hearing loss is caused when the inner ear or auditory nerve is affected by brain injuries or congenital disabilities. Sensorineural hearing loss is permanent and irreversible, but hearing loss treatment can manage its symptoms.

Conductive hearing loss

A conductive hearing loss occurs when the sounds cannot pass through the outer and middle ear. Typically, an ear canal blockage, an ear infection, or earwax buildup in the outer ear. Also, it may occur due to an infection of the middle ear, or a displacement of the ossicles. Conductive hearing loss is usually treatable.

Mixed hearing loss

When the symptoms of hearing loss are a mixture of both conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, it is called mixed hearing loss. It is caused by a head injury, infection, genetic disorder, or congenital disability.

Symptoms of hearing loss

  • Trouble in hearing 
  • Asking others to speak slowly, clearly, and loudly
  • Listening to high volume 
  • Withdrawal from conversations
  • Hearing muffled or mixed sounds
  • Difficulty in hearing clearly against background noise

Possible causes of hearing loss

Hearing loss may occur due to several reasons. Some prominent reasons for hearing loss are:

    •  The eardrum perforated by an injury, infection, pressure or ear pricking with sharp objects.
    • Medical conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes can cause hearing loss.
    • Ear infection, ear canal blockage, or wax build-up in ears.
    • Hearing loss is hereditary.
    • Medications like “ototoxic” can cause permanent hearing loss.
    •  Hearing loss is common after 60 years due to aging.
    •  Exposure to loud noise.


Dr. Peter will review your medical history during the consultation and observe the symptoms of hearing loss. Then, he will physically examine your ears to check for potential hearing loss causes or any anatomical issues raising hearing loss. 

He will use an otoscope (ear diagnostic tool) and or a microscope to examine ear canals and eardrums visually. He might also perform tympanometry, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA)/Auditory brainstem response test, or behavioral hearing tests to learn more about hearing loss.


Hearing loss treatment options include :

  1. Ear wax removal– Most of the time, thick earwax blockage causes hearing issues. Dr. Peter a microscope and suction to suck and remove earwax and restore your hearing.
  2. Hearing aids– These are controlled hearing devices that amplify sound inputs and channel sound into the ear canal so that you hear better. The doctor will demonstrate its usage and share other important instructions about the hearing aid.
  3. Cochlear implants– The cochlea is a hollow spiral bone in the inner ear that plays a major role in hearing. Dr. Peter will recommend cochlear implants for cochlear issues. Cochlear implants bypass non-functioning inner ear portions and directly stimulate the hearing nerve. It is used for severe hearing loss or if other hearing aids are ineffective.
  4. Surgery– Surgery is needed to correct hearing loss due to anatomical anomalies of the eardrum, cochlea, or the ossicles. Dr. Peter uses an ear drain to withdraw infections with persistent fluid.

To prevent hearing loss progression, you should limit noise exposure and wear hearing protection aids and noise-canceling headphones. Schedule your appointments with Dr. Peter Baptista, one of the best ENT doctors for hearing loss treatment in Dubai, and get your ears checked.

To prevent hearing loss progression, you should limit the noise exposure and wear hearing protection aids and noise-canceling headphones. Schedule your appointments with Dr. Peter Baptista, one of the best ENT doctors for hearing loss treatment in Dubai, and get your ears checked.