Is There a Correlation Between Vertigo and Anxiety?
Are you leading a stressful life? Stress is common in our life. However, high stress levels can affect your body in different ways. There’s a link between stress and the body’s balance system. When you’re stressed, it increases the hormones in your body. Do you know? In certain instances, stress can cause vertigo. Vertigo is when you feel dizziness, as if the surroundings are spinning.
Vertigo occurs due to inner ear problems. Dr Peter Bapista, a leading ENT specialist in Dubai, helps you overcome vertigo issues with accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment. Vertigo is frightening, but in most cases, stress triggers It. Is there a correlation between vertigo and stress? Can stress cause vertigo?
Keep reading to know what vertigo is. Can anxiety cause vertigo? What are the symptoms and treatments?
What is Vertigo?
Vertigo is when you feel dizzy, as if your surroundings are spinning, and you often lose balance. It is a symptom of other health conditions.
What are the causes of vertigo?
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo—occurs when tiny calcium particles are displaced from their actual location and accumulate in the inner ear. The inner ear sends messages to the brain about body and head movements, keeping you balanced. BPPV may be associated with vertigo due to age factors or unknown reasons.
Meniere’s disease
Meniere’s disease is caused by fluid buildup or changing pressure in the inner ear. It causes repetition of vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss.
Labyrinthitis or Vestibular neuritis
Labyrinthitis is a condition caused by viral infection. The infection results in inflammation of nerves in the inner ear, essential to maintaining body balance.
Other causes
Very few vertigos are associated with migraine headaches, the possibility of stroke or tumour, medicines that cause ear damage, and neck or head injury.
Symptoms of Vertigo
Vertigo is triggered by changing your head position. People with vertigo usually feel.
- Swaying
- Spinning
- Tilting
- Unbalanced
- Taken in one direction
A few other symptoms that accompany vertigo include,
- Vomiting
- Nausea
- Headache
- Sweating
- Hearing loss
- Abnormal eye movements
Can stress cause vertigo?
Stress can trigger vertigo or its symptoms in individuals. When stressed, the body produces hormones such as cortisol or adrenaline that affect the inner ear, which is responsible for spatial orientation and balance.
Anxiety and dizziness are also correlated. The stress from danger is short-lived, disturbing you for a few hours. But when stress becomes severe, hormones aren’t sent or received similarly. It occurs due to repeated stressful situations or when you’re always anxious about something, causing anxiety disorders.
Chronic stress triggers vertigo. According to reports, people with anxiety disorder have an extra possibility of experiencing BPPV. Stress vertigo lasts a few seconds to hours, depending on the patient’s health condition.
Can anxiety cause vertigo?
Unlike stress, anxiety also causes vertigo, though it’s not a common condition. Both anxiety and stress are relatively similar, with almost the same symptoms. The effects include headaches, tense muscles, and increased adrenaline. All the given symptoms lead to vertigo, comparable to stress vertigo. Anxiety vertigo often feels like hyperarousal, where the body becomes hyperreactive. The person feels dizzy, shaky, restless, lightheaded, and off-balance symptoms. So, anxiety and dizziness are severe symptoms that lead to vertigo.
Treatment for stress-induced vertigo
The best treatment for stress-induced vertigo is to reduce stress in your life. A few other treatment measures include,
- Meditation
- Listening to calm music
- Light exercise
- Staying hydrated
- Maintain good sleeping habits
- Lead a healthy life
Don't let stress slow your life - Contact the best ENT specialist in Dubai.
Can stress cause vertigo? Is there a correlation between anxiety and dizziness? Can anxiety cause vertigo? Dr. Peter Baptista can answer all your queries and offer the most effective treatment plans for faster recovery.
Dr Peter Baptista ensures personalized treatment based on the severity of the symptoms. Few vertigos are curable without medications or continued treatment.
Get the right balance with expert vertigo treatment in Dubai. Consult our ENT specialist now!
Dr Peter Baptista Jardin
European Board Certified ENT Doctor In Dubai
Dr. Peter Baptista Jardin is an ENT specialist with a special interest in treating sleep apnea. He is a revered expert in Spain for performing the first ever robotic transoral surgery in 2011, and the only series of hypoglossal nerve stimulation proved revolutionary for obstructive sleep apnea treatment worldwide. He currently serves as an ENT doctor in Dubai’s Al Zahra Hospital.