How can tinnitus be diagnosed and analyzed?

Tinnitus treatment in Dubai

Do you sometimes experience ears ringing in silence? It is a sign of tinnitus ear infection.


What is a tinnitus ear infection?

Tinnitus ear symptom is a random ringing in the ear for a few seconds, or a sound heard in one or both ears not caused by anything external. Most people have this ailment for a few weeks; however, it can sometimes become a persistent problem. Tinnitus affects 15% to 20% of the population, primarily adults. The condition can be improved by treating the underlying reason or using alternative therapies that minimize the ringing or buzzing noise.

Is tinnitus ear infection common?

Tinnitus isn’t merely an annoyance for the elderly, despite being documented as such for thousands of years. Tinnitus affects between 5% and 15% of the population, yet many people are unaware they have it unless it is loud. 

People seek care only when the sound becomes persistent and/or irritating; at that point, nearly one in every six persons will report having had the problem for more than five years (2012 study). It can be debilitating at this point, interfering with your work, sleep, and social life.

Individuals who work in noisy situations, such as factory or construction workers, road crews, or even musicians, might acquire tinnitus over time due to chronic noise exposure damaging microscopic sensory hair cells in the inner ear, which assist the transfer of sound to the brain. This is known as noise-induced hearing loss.

Tinnitus or random ringing in the ear for a few seconds can occur in service members exposed to bomb blasts if the explosion’s shock wave squeezes the skull and damages brain tissue in areas that assist the sound process. Tinnitus is, in fact, one of the most frequent service-related disabilities among veterans.

Diagnosing of tinnitus

Tinnitus is not a medical ailment or disease. It’s a symptom of a dormant problem. The following are some actions the doctor might take to learn more about your tinnitus:


Examination of the body. The doctor will examine your ears for any visible issues. They may look for symptoms of pulsatile tinnitus.

Medical background. The doctor may inquire whether family members are experiencing hearing loss, if you spend a lot of time around loud noises, or if a single event caused the loud noise. In addition, they may inquire about the medications you use.

Hearing examination (audiometry). This test assesses your ability to hear various tones and displays the results in an audiogram.

Tympanometry. The doctor examines your eardrum with special pressure device to see how your ear drum moves and if there is any pressure in the ear.

MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging. This test produces detailed images of your body without using X-rays.

Is tinnitus permanent?

Tinnitus can be persistent, and the best approach to predict how long it will last is to understand what is causing it. For example, if the reason is transient, such as an ear infection or a loud noise, the tinnitus will most likely be as well.

Can earwax cause tinnitus?

Earwax is a common secretion found in the ear that serves a vital purpose. Earwax, also known as cerumen, lubricates the ear canal, shielding the inner ear from debris and bacteria. As a result, ear infections are reduced.

Too much earwax can accumulate in the ear at times. This could happen due to several reasons, including:

  • The canals in your ears are unusually narrow or damaged.
  • In your ear canals, you have a lot of hair developing (that traps too much earwax).
  • You have a skin ailment that affects the skin on your scalp or around your ears.
  • An ear infection (such as Otitis Externa, sometimes known as “swimmer’s ear”) has inflamed your ear canal.
  • Dry ears are a common complaint among the elderly.


Get rid of tinnitus ear infection with Dr Peter Baptista 

Dr Peter Baptista Jardin is a renowned ENT physician specialising in treating tinnitus. He treats many illnesses of the ears, nose, and throat with improvised approaches. These components play an important role in our sleep cycle, necessitating a comprehensive, specific treatment approach to provide a higher quality of life.

Book your appointment here!

 Dr Peter Baptista Jardin

European Board Certified ENT Doctor In Dubai

Dr. Peter Baptista Jardin is an ENT specialist with a special interest in treating sleep apnea. He is a revered expert in Spain for performing the first ever robotic transoral surgery in 2011, and the only series of hypoglossal nerve stimulation proved revolutionary for obstructive sleep apnea treatment worldwide. He currently serves as an ENT doctor in Dubai’s Al Zahra Hospital.